Sunday, October 19, 2014

Welcome to my website.  My name is Ethan Shearer (also known as The Mad Scientist), and I am here to tell you about three states of matter:  Solid, Liquid, and Gas.  

Did you know that water is an element that is very commonly seen in all three states of matter?  In a solid form, water is ice.  Ice is a solid because it has the two requirements that fit the definition of a Solid: a definite shape and a definite volume.  In a liquid form, water is known as water, or scientifically known as H2o.  H2o is a liquid because it has the two requirements that fit the definition of a Liquid: an indefinite shape and a definite volume.  In a gas form, water is steam, or water vapor.  Steam and water vapor are gases because they both have an indefinite shape and an indefinite volume. 

Now you know the three most commonly used states of matter.  I will now further break down the three states of matter.  


Here is a picture of how a Solid's molecules look like:

A solid's molecules stay tightly together and vibrate, but generally will not move.


Here is a picture of how a Liquid's molecules look like:

A liquid's molecules stay loosely together, swerve around each other, vibrate, and have no definite shape.


Finally, here is a picture of how a Gas's molecules look like:

The molecules of gas do not stay near each other, and fill up whatever space they are in.


Our world is made of  solids, liquids, and gases.  Herer are some examples of solids, liquids, and gases starting with solid and ending with gases.


 This is a solid known as sidewalk chalk. You draw with this solid.

This is a solid known as wood.  You use it for shelter and fire.


Cookies are a delicious edible solid.

This is an engine to a vehicle.  Both the engine and the vehicle are solids.

This plant is a living solid.


This is water.  It is a liquid.  Humans need water to keep the body healthy.

This type of liquid is nail polish.  You use it to color your nails. 

This is olive oil. It is a liquid.  It is an additive to food.

This is laundry detergent.  It is a liquid.  It is used to clean your clothes.

This is ketchup.  It is a liquid.  You can eat your french fries with it.


This is carbonated water.  The active gas is carbon dioxide.

This is contact lens solution.  The active gas is hydrogen peroxide.

This is a paint ball cartridge.  The gas inside is carbon dioxide.

The exhaust fume that comes out of this car's pipe has carbon monoxide in it. 

The steam from hot coffee is water in gas form.


I hope you enjoyed visiting my website.  Thanks for stopping by.